When you have kids they always say boys are easier, I have yet to find out if that's true in the long run but I know for sure with a 1 year old little man that he is so busy and getting into things nonstop that it is not true when they are younger. My now 7 and a half year old daughter was cake compared to this, even in her "terrible two's" lol. I decided to try a different approach than chasing him every 5 minutes.
This week I've been trying to teach what "no thank you" means and to try to keep him out of the dining room. Every time he goes into the dining room I ask him to go play with his toys 3 times and redirect him towards the living room. If after 3 times he still runs into the dining room then he gets to hang out in the pack and play for 2 to 5 minutes (typically only 2). When he does listen and goes to play I make sure to tell him good job, thank you for listening. It works best to always use the same phrases and they learn what that means. We are on day 3 of doing this and he already is listening to "no thank you" so much better than before.
What I've found also helps is to give him a few minutes of my undivided attention here and there throughout the day, and we have music going all day ans he seems to like to stay in the living room a little more to listen to it.
I've also been letting things go more. For example, he is normally not allowed to play with the carseat that's by the door and the dishes. As long as he isn't hurting himself or destroying things I'm choosing my battles, you'd be surprised how long a cup and lid will keep a baby occupied 😂🙃
So far I'd like to say we are successful, I'm able to get my work done during the day and still spend more time with the kids and making a routine that works for all of us. If you're struggling just remember, one day at a time and at the end off everything a happy healthy family is what's important