So here I am at the end of my day, kids are in bed, house is sorta picked up, and I've been really upset with myself and feeling defeated. I yelled at my kids more than I wanted to today, I had to take a book away from my 7 year old because she was reading after bedtime, and my son had a rough fall earlier, and I'm running through all the things I need to get done in my head. Yes, today was hard but I'm also trying to be more positive at the very least to teach the kids to not dwell on the negative.
So today I got to take a walk with the kids, I managed to fit in a few minutes of exercise and laughter in with my husband. We had a nice family dinner with my sister and nieces. My daughter rode her bike without training wheels! She taught herself starting this past weekend and I have to say I'm very proud. I got to read my son his bedtime story and cuddle under the teepee with him (he does this super cute thing where he sits and then lays back into me so he's curled up next to me). Yes today was a rough day, but today had so many good things happen and tomorrow will too. Don't let all the bad things consume your mind, vent when you need to and then write out, talk about, think about all the good things of the day and that will come